
Nile Henry

Founder & CEO

Nile is a dynamic young tech leader and the founder and CEO of The Blair Project, a disruptive social enterprise that exists to inspire the next generation of green tech workforce through electric karting and digital manufacturing & design project-based activities.

Nile was just 18 years old when he set up the organisation six years ago. He created, developed and secured funding support for an exciting STEM education programme called the ProtoEV Challenge where student/apprenticeship teams aged 15-18 convert used petrol go-karts into fully electric e-karts which they test and race to see which is the fastest and most energy efficient.

Students learn computer-aided-design, 3D printing, battery technologies and electronic controls. Successfully piloted in summer 2018, with launch of a development series in 2019. ProtoEV will act as an essential innovation platform and test bed for the development of cost effective propulsion technologies. The commercialisation of new innovations will be supported thru a new ProtoEV Championship beginning in 2020 which aims to become a feeder series for Formula E.

Diversity, fairness and social justice has always been important to me. Research from the McKinsey report found that companies that were more ethnically more diverse were 35% more likely to outperform their peers. When you surround yourself with people who are not like you, who talk differently,  who think differently, who experience life differently, the IQ of the group becomes bigger and stronger and the opportunities to find nuggets of innovation become greater for you.

“No one person can create success on their own- It takes a winning team and helping hands.” – Nile Henry

He is a member of the Climate Change Youth Board, and sits on the Social Enterprise Advisory Group that advises the metro Mayor Andy Burnham, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Local Enterprise Partnership.

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