
We want to create a more prosperous Wigan with opportunities for all to flourish by creating an online platform which encourages local residents and organisations to buy local, supporting our small businesses to thrive and grow and generating jobs for local people.

Special emphasis will be given to supporting budding young entrepreneurs manufacturing bespoke hand finished products using 3D printing and new digital manufacturing technologies.


Wigan is home to many small and medium-sized enterprises which make up a large proportion of the 12,000 businesses that are based here. If every resident spent an extra £100 per year (ie £2 per week) with locally owned businesses instead of chain stores, it would inject an extra £32 million into our economy every year, creating thousands more jobs and reducing youth unemployment.

dsc_0097This is about mobilising civic pride to support the Made in Wigan rand, and everything it stands for. ALL profits made by the Made in Wigan online store will be reinvested into a Teenage Enterprise Trust to support young entrepreneurs and grow their ideas.

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