

Makerspace Challenge


Our Makerspace Challenge gives young people aged 14 – 19 the raw productive power to design and manufacture their own products using 3D printing, so they can experience themselves as digital entrepreneurs and pursue self-employment.

The challenge runs for a total of 6 weeks and in that time they are challenged to make as much money as possible.



  1. Get Started. Working alone or as part of a group, participants come up with a design for a new product that they think will sell well
  2. Making It: Turn this design into an actual product and manufacture the first prototype using 3D printing and digital fabrications
  3. Consumer Test: Test out their designs with potential customers, and adapt it to make it a best seller.
  4. Market it: Young people learn how to brand, market and price their product for their customer base. have just 4 weeks to make as much profit as they can through selling their products on our new Made In Wigan website, learning how to photograph and market effectively to generate sales.
  • Keep The Profit: Participants sell their products to make as much money and profit as they can!.
  1. Payback For The Future: Participants are encouraged to reinvest 10% of their profits back into the project and become Youth Enterprise Ambassadors.

The real world vocational skills they are designed to build their resourcefulness and prepare them for adulthood and independent living.

Nile said: “Young people take to technology like ducks to water. Additive manufacturing is an ideal industry for young people to get into. Regardless of your age or education, with enough time and effort, anyone can start creating their own products and earn money.

One 15 year old has already secured orders from a leading comic store in Manchester.

He said: “ it’s mad what you can do with a 3D printer. Anything you can imagine you can create. It’s just insane. I had no ambition, goals or purpose before. I know now I want to be a designer and pursue this as a career.”

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